The story of a photographer

I’m not just there for the day, I’m with you for the experience.

But when it comes to your wedding photographer, you want someone whose work will give back, again and again. When you’re decorating your walls with wedding photos, you want to get misty-eyed as you feel everything about your most special day all over again. 

From our first phone call to the email follow-ups to the timeline I help you craft, I’m learning about YOU. The experience isn't just about the photos; it's about relationships. With myself and my clients, but also the relationship between the two of you.

Yes, I really do want to follow you on IG and scroll down to when you first started dating and watch the stories of you two out for Happy Hour on a Friday evening.

Every wedding day moment is unique and special to your relationship; I have the honor of capturing every detail as it unfolds so you can cherish them forever.


Edna & Ludo

“Ce fut un honneur de l’avoir eu comme photographe à notre mariage. Il fournit un service irréprochable et nous avons pu constater mon mari comme moi le sérieux et la passion qu’il met dans ses événements. Nous avons eu des retours de nos invités concernant son sourire, son sérieux et de sa discrétion tout au long de la journée. Si nous devions nous remarier ou effectuer une séance photo pour d’autres occasions, ce serait sans aucun doute avec lui. Il est serviable, à l’écoute, ponctuel, inventif, passionné”

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